Fazle E Elahi
Serving a leading Chemical tanker management company as a Vetting Manager.
What is SIRE 2.0 Programme
OCIMF (Oil Companies International Marine Forum) established the Ship Inspection Report (SIRE) Programme in 1993 and it has developed and grown in scope since then. These reports are used to examine the ship for business suitability. In 2022 the programme was renamed SIRE 2.0 after a complete revision of the inspection process.
Following photo will elaborate the Evolution of SIRE 2.0 Programme
The SIRE 2.0 Question library has been completely refreshed and the questions have been reformatted. Now the new SIRE 2.0 vessel inspection regime will more accurately report on the quality of a vessel and its crew, moving from paper-based to digitalised inspection reporting processes using an intrinsically safe, internationally certified ex-proof tablet device and bespoke software. The decision to introduce the use of tablets was taken by OCIMF only after the safety and security risks were evaluated and OCIMF was satisfied that they can be managed.
Manufacturer: i.safe MOBILE; Model: IS930.1
The tablet device is:
- Capable of using only the pre-loaded SIRE 2.0 software. Locked down using Mobile Device Management software to prevent the use of unauthorised programmes, applications, tools or data transfer connections.
- Fitted with cameras which can only be accessed through the SIRE 2.0 software, but which can be fully and demonstrably isolated if photography is prohibited onboard a vessel, at a terminal or in a port.
- Allow greater transparency for all parties by using GPS tracking, recording the date and time of each response provided and recording the addition and removal of negative observations.
- Allow the inclusion of photographic evidence, where permitted by a port or terminal, to support observations.
SIRE 2.0 Inspection Application Process
- Inspection request: Online request through OCIMF webpage
- Submission of following Pre-Inspection Data through OCIMF portal
What are the Pre-Inspection Questionnaires? (PIQ)
This is an additional questionnaire used to gather dynamic information about vessel operational history and additional static data, to permit the inspection compiler to assign appropriate questions to each tailored inspection questionnaire. Based on the information gathered, the inspection compiler creates a unique ship-specific inspection questionnaire, the compiled vessel inspection questionnaire (CVIQ). The CVIQ and the information provided through the Pre-inspection element is downloaded to the inspection Editor application on the inspector’s dedicated tablet computer. PIQ comprises of following information,
- General Information of ship
- Certification and Documentation
- Management Oversight (Marine and Technical visits)
- Frequency of Ballast and Cargo Tanks Inspection
- Management of Change (Structural and Equipment changes)
- Last 3 PSC Inspections
- Crew Management
- Manning Level
- Crew Evaluation
- Navigational Assessment, Cargo Audit, Mooring Audit
- Behavioural Competency assessment
- Crew Training
- Crew Compliance (Drug & Alcohol)
- Crew Familiarization
- Navigation and Communication
- Safety Management
- Fixed Fire Protection System
- Fixed and portable gas detection systems
- Incident for the previous 18 months (Pollution, Release of LNG/LPG vapour, Grounding, Touched Bottom, Collision, Allision, Hull Breach, Black Out, Loss of propulsion, Hydrocarbon spill, Loss of Anchor, Damage to Windlass, Cargo Hose Crane, Accommodation ladder, Contamination of Ballast Water, Fire Explosion, LTI)
Pre-Inspection Question Editor in OCIMF portal
Categorization of SIRE 2.0 Library Questions
The variant concept (Petroleum, Chemical & Gas) has been discontinued and replaced by the tagging of all questions to ensure that each question is considered for inclusion in an inspection based on, Vessel type, Vessel Outfitting, Information provided through HVPQ and / or PIQ, Operational history of the vessel as declared by the vessel operator through the PIQ.
Followings are the categorisation of the library questions,
- Core questions: the minimum questions required to meet the members’ fundamental risk assessment criteria. (101 Questions); assigned to every SIRE 2.0 inspection.
- Campaign questions: An existing rotational question assigned to every inspection for a fixed period in response to an incident or industry trend. Areas of specific focus from OCIMF and its members requiring time-limited exposure.
- Conditional questions: Questions based on the history of the vessel, operator or ship type.
- Rotational questions: A non-core question assigned to a vessel on an occasional basis. (284 Questions)
Formatting of SIRE 2.0 Library questions (Each question and guidance is constructed as following)
- The VIQ Question
- Questions applicable to vessel type
- Referred Publication
- Objective
- Industry Guidance
- Inspection Guidance
- Suggested Inspector’s Action
- Expected Evidence
- Potential Grounds for a Negative Observation
Using the inspection Editor and response tools to record observations
SIRE 2.0 uses the term observation to mean any response entered in a response tool. An observation can be positive, neutral or negative. Each SIRE 2.0 question is assigned one or more response tools as following to record the outcome of the inspection activities related to each question.
- Hardware response tool: When the question or supporting guidance refers to vessel structure, machinery, outfitting, or equipment, the hardware response tool is assigned. The response option may be binary (Yes / No) or graduated (the inspector is required to make a qualitive judgement of the observed condition)
Where a negative observation is recorded in the negative observation module
Subject of Concern (SOC): the deficient vessel structure, machinery, outfitting or equipment should be identified.
Nature of Concern (NOC): where possible, the underlying reason for the deficiency should be identified.
Further a negative comment and photograph to be added to elaborate the deficiency.
- Process response tool: Where a SIRE 2.0 question or supporting guidance refers to a vessel procedure or documented process, the process response tool is assigned. The response option may be binary (As Expected / Not as expected) or graduated (the inspector is required to review the procedure and select, As expected, largely as expected, Not as expected)
Where a negative observation is recorded in the negative observation module
Subject of Concern (SOC): the deficient procedure and / or document should be identified.
Nature of Concern (NOC): where possible, the underlying reason for the deficiency should be identified.
- Human response tool: The Human response tool is assigned where a question or supporting guidance refers to the familiarity of vessel staff with a company procedure, written process or the use or operation of machinery or equipment.
All observation entered in the response tool must be tagged to the rank grouping (SOC) of the observed person (OP) or responsible team (RT) based on following categorisations, eg Senior Deck / Engine officer, Junior Deck / Engine officer, Deck team task, Engine room team task.
Where a negative observation is recorded under human response tool, for NOC (Nature of concern), the most appropriate PIF(s) affecting the performance of the task should be tagged.
Performance influence factors (PIFs) are the foundational blocks of human performance and have been categorized as follows,
Recognition of safety criticality of the task or associated steps.
Custom and practice of procedures
Procedure accessible, helpful, understood and accurate for task
Team dynamics, communication and co-ordination with others
Evidence of stress, workload, fatigue, time constraints
Factors such as morale, motivation, nervousness
Workplace ergonomics including signage, tools layout, space, noise, light, heat, etc
Human-machine interface (e.g controls, alarms, etc)
Opportunities to learn or practise
Not identified
- Photograph Comparison Response Tool
Where a SIRE 2.0 question refers to one of the standard photographs provided by the vessel operator prior the to the inspection, a photo comparison tool is assigned.
All photograph comparison tools require a graduated response as follows, eg. Photo provided representative, Photo representative – concern to be highlighted – comment, Photo reasonably representative – additional photos required / added – comment, Photo not representative.
To ensure consistency across all vessel types, the standard photograph set has been devised with a core set of photographs, where majority will be applicable to all vessel types, followed by a small selection of vessel type specific photographs.
The vessel operator should upload a new set of photographs to the OCIMF database at approximately six-month intervals.
Complete Inspection
A SIRE 2.0 inspection will be considered as being completed at the head of the gangway when the inspector disembarks the vessel.
Selecting the “Complete inspection” function will cause the inspection editor software to take the following action,
- Record the date and time
- Record the GPS position of the tablet
- Record the step count
- Stop the inspection elapsed timer (red indication)
Challenges of SIRE Inspection
- Increased Administrative burden
- Inspection emphasis is seen to be on conducting crew interview of all ranks; Crew interviews by SIRE inspectors / Emphasis on human factors
- Interviews of lower ranks on company procedures eh. Tank entry process for safety aspects
- Observations are categorized into Human, Process, Hardware, Photo Comparison; Any identified issues may thus be result in multiple observations based on above categories
- Full transparency on defects / incidents expected; Danger of prudent operators being penalized
- Guidance to inspectors is very detailed, and there is a risk for many “easy” observations. Expected increase in number of observations / turbulent transition period.
- Danger of vessels being assessed on photo alone
- Implementation is a challenge
Reference : OCIMF & Intertanko Guidance
Capt Fazle E Elahi (29) Serving a leading Chemical tanker management company as a Vetting Manager.